Imece Network CIC
Across the Globe, We Are United in Our Dedication to Children’s and youth Rights
Who We Are
Partnering to build a world where all young people are confident about their future.
We are a few enthusiastic young people who want to change somethings starting from ourselves..
more info coming soon..

Imece Network is an International Youth Platform Organisation on Education, Culture and Sports.
Our Approach
We provide international opportunities for young people like youth exchanges, seminars, trainings and youth camps.
Intercultural learning and knowledge propels youth towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives.
A tremendous sense of accomplishment upon completion encourages youth to develop independent opinions, make informed decisions and strive to attain fresh goals.
We run capacity building programs for civil society actors such as trainings, concultancy, feasibility visits and job shadowing activities.
Capacity building approaches purposefully minimize an over-reliance on outside experts as sources of knowledge, resources, and solutions to community issues. By preventing a dependency relationship on outsiders from forming, capacity building encourages local people to take action on local issues themselves.
— Our Vision
A better world featured by integrated social collaboration, respecting human rights, understanding of cultural diversity, international cooperation and participation.
— Our Mission
— Our Objectives
– to empower youth to participate in the society.
– to create a space for dialogue.
– to provide learning opportunities.
– to develop skills, experience and understanding.
– to activate the leadership potential of youth.
– to represent youth towards decision-makers.
– to strengthen mutual understanding.
— Our Means
– Cultural exchanges
– Personal development and non formal education
– Pilot projects
– Advocacy and Policy
– Collaborative activities